Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ron's First Live "Brad-cast"

Ron Brown, ever the adventurer on the team, volunteered to help out on June 20th's Live Brad-cast over at KNCI on the Pat and Tom Show. The contest was all about giving away a couple of Brad Paisley concert tickets, and Ron threw in a guided fishing trip with him for the second place finisher. The field wasn't super-wide, but the challenge was serious- these anglers had to cast to hit Johnny O, dressed as a giant Goldfish cracker, using a rod and reel that Tom Mailey has probably had since he was about five years old. Ron supplied a smaller sinker than the original plan (thank goodness), and it took all the contestants several casts, flips and other alternative nameless tricks to get the prizes given away. After Ron's sage advice to the contestants, Robert Wagoner Jr. finally tagged Johnny O and won the trip with Ron. Afterwards, Ron spent a couple minutes on air, choppin' it upwith Pat and Tom, making Gone Fishin' look good. Thanks for being such a sport on such an oddball outing Ron!

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