Saturday, October 31, 2009

Triton Owner's Tournament Wrap-up

Congratulations to Bill Scharton, lucky winner of a brand new Triton 20 X3 with a Mercury 225 Pro XS. Here's the video footage of his moment of utter disbelief:

Bill picked his boat up from Gone Fishin's rigging department weekend before last, and boy did he have some plans for it already! The fishing was pretty good for the tournament weekend (as the winning pair, Michael Rothstein & Joe Pool can tell you- 40.26lbs over two days), but the comraderie was even better. All those Triton fans in one place really seemed to please Triton president, Earl Bentz, who made a special trip all the way out to Clear Lake just for the event! And everyone enjoyed raising a glass to what they all knew was the best bass boat on the water. It was Gone Fishin's first year participating in the Tournament, and we can't wait for next year's reunion!

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