Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ya Win Some, Ya Lose Some...

We robbed this fair and square from Facebook, but it was in direct answer to a question posed on Jon DeVries' page. And for what it's worth Jon, you had a rock solid season, so we're not too worried about the TOC, and frankly we can all identify- great job this year (and the last sentence here is particularly catchy)!

The TOC was a test of my patience and ability to endure tough conditions and ever sinking hopes of having a good finish to the year........ The wind and waves created a hardship and eliminated one of my patterns for the tourney on Saturday. On Sunday, the weather persisted but the water temp dropped 5 degrees over night. Not good when you're struggling.

At the end of the day Saturday we were in 25th place but were still in the running. We knew we needed to have a good day on Sunday to finish in the top ten but it just didn't pan out for us. We either made bad decisions or just weren’t able to make the right adjustments to capitalize on whatever fish were available in the areas we covered. Struggling was an understatement when you consider that we didn’t have a limit in the boat until 20 minutes before weigh in which, in itself, was nothing more than a moral victory.

In a nutshell, we had a very poor showing as it related to our ability to make the necessary adjustments with these other than subtle changes. However, our spirit, sportsmanship and continued love of the sport showed the true colors of the Gone Fishin Marine fishing team and the participants and organizers of 100% Bass.

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