Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Donations needed: Time, Talent, and Smiles

Our team members are constantly on the prowl for ways to share their love of the sport. Here are a couple of upcoming events you should make it a point to tune into this coming May!

Saturday, 02 May 2009: "Catch a Special Thrill (C.A.S.T.) for Kids" at Folsom Lake. Everything starts at 8AM courtesy of the Folsom Bass Team. Check it out, and be generous!

Satruday, 16 May 2009: "Purple Heart Anglers Fishing Event" put on by Markley Cove Resort. GFM has partnered up with Markley Cove on a number of projects, and this is our favorite yet! Inquire with Markley Cove at 707-966-2134- they need boaters to show some deserving vets a great time!


Anonymous said...

Will there be pictures from this event that will be posted? If yes, where can I view them!

Gone Fishin' Marine Team said...

The first several photos are up and in the top right hand corner of the blog in slide show form. More to come, as Jon gets his editing underway!
To see something full sized, or to see the album itself, just click on an image as it comes up in the slide show. Enjoy!

Gone Fishin' Marine Team said...
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